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Welcoming FY 2023: The 7 must-do items for HR professionals.

As the finance and account departments were burning the midnight oil, Catherine was wondering what it is all about, especially in the month of March. As one of the new joiners, she was curious to know the same. However, she was surprised to understand that even HR look forward to a brand new financial year and keeps their plans ready. One afternoon, Catherine walked up to her HR Manager and asked why a new financial year is significant to the HR team.

Lima, the HR Manager was all smiles and amid her tight schedules, too, she addressed the query.

As HR professionals, you play a critical role in building and maintaining a productive and engaged workforce. To do this, it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest HR best practices and emerging trends. In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, it can be challenging to know where to focus your attention and resources.

Here we outline 7 must-do-items for HR in the upcoming financial year. Whether you’re looking to improve employee well-being, implement remote work policies, foster diversity and inclusion, or optimize your recruitment and retention strategies, this post has got you covered. Let’s dive in!

The 7 must-do-items for HR

Focus on employee wellbeing and mental health: Given the ongoing challenges posed by the pandemic and economic landscape, HR professionals should prioritize employee wellbeing and mental health by offering support and resources such as counseling, flexible work arrangements, and training programs to promote resilience and stress management.

Implement remote work policies and technologies: Remote work has become a staple of modern work, and HR professionals should work to develop policies and technologies that facilitate remote work and ensure employee engagement, productivity, and safety in virtual environments.

Foster diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI): HR professionals should prioritize DEI initiatives by developing policies and programs that nurture an inclusive workplace culture and address issues of bias and discrimination.

Upskill and reskill employees: The rapid pace of technological change and automation means that HR professionals should prioritize upskilling and reskilling programs to help employees acquire the skills needed for the future of work.

Develop agile workforce planning strategies: Because of the volatility and uncertainty of the current economic climate, HR professionals should focus on developing agile workforce planning strategies that can adapt to changing business needs.

Leverage data analytics and AI: HR professionals should leverage data analytics and AI to inform decision-making, optimize recruitment and retention strategies, and identify areas for improvement in employee engagement and productivity.

Build strong employer branding: HR professionals have to work to build strong employer branding by developing a compelling company culture, communicating transparently with employees, and promoting the organization’s mission and values to attract and retain top talent.

There are many HR best practices that can help organizations effectively manage their workforce, attract and retain top talent, and create a positive work environment.

Most commonly recognized HR best practices

Recruitment and selection: Developing clear job descriptions, identifying the most effective sourcing channels, and establishing a structured selection process are key elements for effective recruitment and selection.

Onboarding and orientation: Providing an all-inclusive onboarding and orientation program can help new hires feel welcomed, informed, and productive from day one.

Performance management: Establishing clear performance expectations, providing regular feedback and coaching, and conducting regular performance reviews are essential components of effective performance management.

Compensation and benefits: Offering competitive compensation and benefits packages can help attract and retain top talent while supporting employee engagement and satisfaction.

Training and development: Offering opportunities for employee training and development can improve skills, enhance performance, and support career progression.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI): Fostering an inclusive workplace culture and prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives can help build a more engaged, innovative, and effective workforce.

Employee engagement: Prioritizing employee engagement through regular communication, feedback, recognition, and wellness programs can help build a positive work environment and foster employee motivation, loyalty, and productivity.

Compliance: Ensuring compliance with legal requirements and regulations related to employment, health and safety, and privacy is essential for mitigating legal and reputational risks.

Overall, HR best practices are designed to create a workplace that is fair, transparent, and supportive of employee development and success. By implementing these best practices, organizations can improve their HR processes and support the growth and success of their workforce.

HR in the era of ChatGPT

In 2023, it’s not possible to discuss HR without the mention of ChatGPT and many other AI tools that are going to storm the market.

As an AI language model, ChatGPT is not a substitute for human resources professionals, but it can be a valuable tool for supporting HR processes and enhancing the employee experience. Here are some ways that HR professionals can leverage chatbots like ChatGPT to support their work:

Recruitment and onboarding: Chatbots are a valuable tool to streamline the recruitment and onboarding process by handling initial screening, scheduling interviews, and answering common questions about the organization and the role.

Employee engagement: Chatbots can be used to facilitate communication with employees, answering questions about company policies, benefits, and other HR-related topics. They can also provide real-time feedback and support to employees, improving their overall experience and satisfaction.


Performance management: With chatbots it is easy to facilitate regular check-ins and feedback sessions between employees and their managers, making the performance management process more efficient and effective.

Training and development: Chatbots can add a lot of value in delivering training content and providing employees with on-demand support and resources to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Benefits management: Chatbots are effective in helping employees understand their benefits packages and make informed decisions about their coverage, improving their overall health and well-being.

Data analytics: One of the major benefits of Chatbots is data analysis. It can be used to analyze employee data and identify trends and patterns, helping HR professionals make more informed decisions about workforce planning, recruitment, and retention.

Overall, chatbots like ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for HR professionals to streamline their work, improve the employee experience, and support the growth and success of their organizations. However, it is important to note that chatbots should not replace the human element of HR, and human resources professionals should always be available to provide personalized support and guidance when needed.


In a rapidly evolving business landscape, it is essential to stay up-to-date with the latest HR best practices and emerging trends.

By focusing on these must-do items, HR professionals can create a workplace culture that values employee well-being, embraces diversity and inclusion, and positions the organization for long-term success. By following the above, HR professionals can create a workplace that attracts and retains top talent, promotes innovation, and drives business growth.


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