How to Retain Valuable Employees

How to Retain Valuable Employees Smart HR Managers know how critical it is to retain those talents. Keeping the employees happy and loyal to the company may appear simple but a robust plan is needed retain valuable employees. The conference hall was full, but unlike other times, there was pin-drop silence this time. Even the […]
Change Your Corporate Culture

Change Your Corporate Culture Every organization has a distinctive style of working which is called its culture. The policies, principles, how employees interact, and how the management deals with employees- all contribute to the culture. It is said that an organization’s culture is like the wind. You can’t see it, but you can feel it. […]
Ways to reduce cost and turnaround time for your organization with Background Check

Ways to reduce cost and turnaround time for your organization with Background Check Overview Every organization is concerned about the time and resource management. It a fact that hiring a suitable candidate could save a lot of above mentioned factors. So your organization must be very keen on verification process, and should tie-up with […]
IS Employee verification the Key to Prevent Sexual Harassment?

IS Employee verification the Key to Prevent Sexual Harassment? Even though sexual harassment has hit the headlines in recent times due to the #METOO movement, sexual harassment has always been an issue in the corporate offices. A recent survey conducted by INBA with 6047 participants shows that the majority of them have experienced some form […]
Avoid unfortunate incidents with Psychometric Analysis

Avoid unfortunate incidents with Psychometric Analysis There is always a divided opinion among recruiters on whether to conduct psychometric testing foremployees while recruiting or Background Verification Companies In Bangalore . Even though there is no definite study that these tests work, there is a possibility by conducting psychometric test we can avoid adverse incidents like the following,A […]
Exit Interview by Internal HR – Is it Effective Enough to fulfill the purpose?

Exit Interview by Internal HR – Is it Effective Enough to fulfill the purpose? Exit interview is a vital process to understand and document the reason for resignation of an Employee and utilize the feedback to improve the organization’s process and structure. Normally, Exit interviews are conducted by in-house HR executives or by hired third […]
Employers should run a periodic Background Screening on Current Employees

Employers should run a periodic Background Screening on Current Employees Employee background verification should be an important part of a company’s recruitment policy. Most of the employers have realized the importance of verification process and have included this cautious practice in their recruitment process. When recruiters verify a candidate’s background and their criminal record is […]
Which is a Crucial Check in Background Verification?

Which is a Crucial Check in Background Verification? In the overall process of background verification, to confirm a candidate’s past work experience is the crucial check. The employer must never ever skip this step before he/she provides the candidate a job in their firm. They must completely confirm their job experience with at most care […]
Learning From Mistakes Can Be Too Risky When It Comes To Hiring

Learning From Mistakes Can Be Too Risky When It Comes To Hiring DID YOU KNOW? We Human beings have one very careless habit. Unless and until we are faced with a very adverse situation, we never take any precautionary steps. We buy a helmet only after we have met with an accident. We opt for […]
Latest News and Trends in the Background Verification Industry

Latest News and Trends in the Background Verification Industry In a recent survey, Google has revealed that they themselves have fired over 40 employees in the last 2 years alone, due to sexual harassment issues at the workplace. It is a well-known fact that Google is among the top 20 most desirable employers in the […]