VERIFITECH – Background Verification Company



Forged education documents and certificates are more widespread in our country than most of us are aware of. Due to the intense race for employment in our country, it has become a staple thing for the students to fake or fudges their mark sheets and educational certificates. As we know it is an illegal and punishable offense, but the reality strikes us hard when the Fake University Lists gets published by various bodies every year all around India. To be specific students have even provided fake records for getting into Harvard University. Thousands of candidates have produced such fake education certificate across the country for getting jobs. The problem is very real and escalating every second. It needs our immediate attention.

If you compartmentalize this issue, two major sets of people are getting affected by this activity. First, it poses a great threat for the employers of such candidate. Hiring such incompetent people will affect their productivity hardly. Second, it also increases the problem of justice for the candidates who have been losing the job opportunity due to the exaggerated and forged documents.

What is ensured in the Education Verification?

  • The candidate’s qualification is genuine under consideration
  • The skill set of the candidate is properly verified
  • The academic performance of the candidate is revealed
  • The candidate is verified of any unethical circumstances
  • Weeding out the wrong candidate
  • Saving organization time and resources


Why there is a need for background verification for a company?

Increase in the modernization and computerized environment which has been increasing rapidly. Organizations are competing with each other at fast paced that they don’t find time to verify each and every candidate they hire. At times, the rush to fill the position makes a company vulnerable for ineligible candidates. Background verification is even skipped in some companies in the process of quick hiring. Saving time doesn’t mean sacrificing the whole company. Here is where the Employee Background verification companies tag in to simplify the work of the company and to find the best candidates.

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