VERIFITECH – Background Verification Company

Alert today - alive tomorrow - Verifitech

Alert Today – Alive tomorrow!

Generally, being on drugs is a very harmful thing to do. Driving under the influence of it makes the whole situation even worse and more critical. It is an illegal offense to drive under the influence of alcohol or any kind of drug.  It will definitely make your accuracy in driving limited. It makes you very unstable. Inaccuracy will increase the chances of an accident eventually. Here are some of the signs of people who drive under the influence of drugs:

  • They do not react in time to an unprecedented conditions due to abridged ability
  • They have poor vision and blurred vision leads to the distortion of the road/traffic.
  • They tend to take risks excessively and are unable to conclude when the risk is beyond their control and too serious.
  • The most vulnerable characteristic is the inability to evaluate the speed or distance of another vehicle or a pedestrian.

Driving under the impact of drugs might pave the way to employment loss and even imprisonment. In some worst cases, it might lead to a critical injury or even death, both to the person influenced by drugs and the opposite person in the calamity or a pavilion.

Impact on the Organization

The driver’s actions will not only affect him and the passenger in the cab. His actions affect the whole organization. It impacts the whole trust that the company had strived hard to build for several years. One seed is enough to spoil the whole crop. The Reputation Management process is crucial in any business organization and, it is at stake when you have not included Employee background verification in your recruitment process. The cost of a bad hire just doesn’t simply end with an unsuccessful business. One mistake made out of negligence can cause serious problems for the reputation of a business.

Many cases have been filed against cab drivers for their misconduct on behavior and, the count keeps on increasing with respect to molestation and harassment cases of passengers. Now big players have understood the need for a proper background check on their recruits and the issue has come to the forefront again. Also, merely running a background check will not meet the purpose. Recruiters should run a detailed background check on their recruits with the assistance of third-party verifiers. Background verification experts (i.e.) a third-party verifier will have access to a few sensitive pieces of information like a criminal record and real past experience etc. With the verifiers from Background Verification Companies In India, recruiters can check whether a cab driver was involved in any criminal activity or malpractices. The traffic offenses such as excess speed, drunk & drive cases of their past will also be checked thoroughly.

Employee background verification is inevitable in today’s market to avoid possible threats that have the potential to demolish your hard-earned reputation. Hurry up in case you have not included background verification in your employees. Turn off your ticking time bomb by doing what you must have done earlier!

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